Financial Products Review
The Financial Products coverages provide a companies owner(s)/ shareholders, Board Members, as well as the Executives that direct the day to day operations, with a “safety blanket” should their actions be challenged.
Merit has a long standing relationship with an individual we sincerely believe is one of the top financial products experts in the country. We have been fortunate the last 20 plus years to have his expertise involved in the design and placement of many of our customers programs. We are now teaming up to offer select companies an independent review of their financial products policy(s).
The process is straightforward and requires minimal time on the part of the insured. We will start by providing you an email which simply states that we will not share information with any third party(s) and we will return all copies of all information that was provided to assist with our analysis. In addition to the actual policies to be reviewed, we may ask for some information to help us understand the organizational structure and financial responsibilities.
Once we have completed our analysis, we will provide the results in the form of an Executive Summary. Our report will be concise and honest. If your current program is well constructed we will tell you; should we find areas for improvement we will outline our recommendations.
(D&O * EPLI * Fiduciary * Crime * K&R)
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